Majestic Volunteers,
The esteemed Majestic Play Reading Committee is re-opening accepting proposals for the following slots for one week:
Fall 2018 Mainstage Play Performance Dates: 7 performances September 28, 2018 through October 7th, 2018
Spring 2019 Mainstage Play Performance Dates: 7 performances April 5th, 2019 through April 14th, 2019
Due to the short time frame before the 2018-2019 season must be announced in November, the PRC will only accept one proposal from each director.
Additionally, the following restrictions govern who is eligible to submit a proposal:
You cannot submit if your partner, spouse, or direct family member is on the Play Reading Committee.
You must have extensive experience with the spaces, systems, and production process at the Majestic Theatre post January 2015. The most common way to have this is that you have either directed a show here or have filled a senior crew role on a production, such as stage manager or assistant director since January 2015. Eligibility is determined by Theatre Supervisor Jimbo Ivy.
Again, due to the short time frame, the PRC will only be accepting proposals until October 4th, 2017 at 5pm. If you are interested in proposing, please contact Theatre Supervisor Jimbo Ivy at immediately.