Congrats to the casts of the Spring 2020 Majestic Readers' Theatre Company shows!
March 28-29 2020
An Irish time-traveling love story.
Directed by Mike Aronson
Caithleen: Jessica Andrade
Robert: Michael Wren
Cait: Kathie O'Brien
Nikolai Kassatkin: Robbie
Dear Elizabeth
April 25-26 2020
A play in letters from Elizabeth Bishop to Robert Lowell and back again.
Directed by Robert Leff
ROBERT LOWELL: Nicolai Kassatkin
Don't Talk to the Actors
May 30-31 2020
A meta theatre comedy with divas and dramatics.
Directed by Maxine Agather
Jerry Przpezniak: Nikolai Kassatkin
Arlene Wyniarski: Jessica Andrade
Lucinda Shaw: Laurie Mason
Mike Polizek: Shaun Hearn
Beatrice Pomeroy: Deborah Wren
Curt Logan: Cliff Feldman
Thanks to all who came out and we'll see you at the shows!