A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L’ Engle, adapted by Morgan Gould
Proposed by director Erah McMullen
Play Synopsis
One of literature's most enduring young heroines, Meg Murry, is back -- braces, stubbornness and all. Once again, she's joining forces with Mrs Whatsit, Charles Wallace, Calvin O'Keefe and more to battle the forces of evil so she can rescue her father, save humanity and find herself. In the end, we know two things for sure: 1. Love CAN overcome evil and 2. There IS such a thing as a tesseract.
Perfect for schools and theaters with larger casts, this faithful, ensemble-driven adaptation of the beloved novel masterfully retells the story in a fresh and enduring way.
Vision Statement
“Don’t try to comprehend with your mind. Your minds are very limited. Use your intuition.” ~ Madeline L’Engle Emotionally charged storytelling through visually stunning imagery, collaborative work and mindful direction is my vision for this production.
This is a timeless story that I believe will appeal to audiences of all ages, backgrounds and cultures. This production will attract patrons who wish to reminisce about their childhood, and share it with new generations. Those who champion a female protagonist that relies on science as well as her heart to guide her in not only finding her father but friends, and herself, along the way. And it will interest those who merely wish to experience an epic show … aaand who might fancy a bit of magic! This play truly has something for everyone, plus it’s family friendly!
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