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The Best Christmas Pageant Ever Auditions

Majestic Marketing

“The Herdmans were the worst kids in the whole history of the world. They lied and stole and smoked cigars, even the girls, and talked dirty and cussed their teachers and took the name of the Lord in vain and set fire to Fred Shoemaker’s old broken down tool house.”

And we’re looking for Herdmans!

Not just Herdmans, but their classmates and the parents of their classmates who all watch in wonder as the Herdmans teach them something they never expected about the Christmas season.

Directed by Wendy Cortright

Audition Info:

September 14th-16th At The Majestic Theatre

September 14th and 15th: Children Auditions – 5pm to 7:00pm Adult Auditions – 7:00pm to 10:00pm

September 16th: Callbacks for Children and Adults – 7:00pm

Based on the book by Barbara Robinson, this hilarious classic play tells the story of what happens to a small town when the family considered the worst family in town, takes over the church Christmas Pageant.

The Herdmans

“There were six of them—Ralph, Imogene, Leroy, Claude, Ollie and Gladys—and they went through the Woodrow Wilson school like those South American fish that strip your bones clean. They went around town the same way—stealing things and tearing things up and whamming kids … so it was hard to get away from them. There was only one safe place. Church. Until my stupid brother ruined that.”

Ralph: The oldest, too cool for school, scruffy looking, always ready to pick a fight (Age: 12-13)

Imogene: The eldest girl- loud, bossy and crafty. Always planning something. (Age: 11-12)

Leroy: Tough, always sure of himself (Age: 10-11)

Claude: Rough and rowdy, Ollie’s partner in crime (Age: 9-10)

Ollie: Tough customer, Claude’s partner in crime (Age: 8-9)

Gladys: Small, wiry, feisty and fearless (Age:7-8)

The Herdmans’ Victims…er… Classmates

Beth Bradley: The narrator, calls it like she sees it, but is always looking at people trying to figure out their true motivations. She has a strong voice, and a strong presence. (Age: 10-11)

Charlie Bradley: The traditional kid brother, the unfortunate victim of Herdmans on a regular basis (Age: 8-9)

Alice Wendleken: Friend of Beth’s, very prim, proper, and opinionated; a general pain in the neck (Age: 10-11).

And various other classmates that have all been tormented at one time or another by the antics of the Herdmans.

The Adults

Bob Bradley-Father: Beth’s father who often sees the funny in situations others would call ‘stressful’, takes special pleasure in winding his wife up. (Age: 35-40ish)

Grace Bradley-Mother: Beth’s mother who prides herself on doing the best she can in participating at the church but when she’s challenged she not only rises to it but she stubbornly decides she will outdo her challengers. Looks for the good in everyone, something her daughter has inherited (Age: 35-40ish)

Mrs. Armstrong: A controlling woman in voice and manner, everything is clearly her way or the highway (Age: 50ish)

Mrs. Slocum, Mrs. Clark, and Mrs. Clausing: Pleasant, motherly women who are not above partaking in a juicy piece of gossip.(Ages: 35-60)

Mrs. McCarthy: a younger, less imperious version of Mrs. Armstrong (Age: Middle 40s)

Reverend Hopkins: Does his best to keep all his parishioners happy and out of his hair (especially the wives), but often has to resort to throwing up his hands and bowing to mob rule (Age: Middle to late 40s)

No singing or dance talent is necessary.

Full scripts are available at the Majestic Business Office if you would like to read the whole play, as well as audition packets containing the audition excerpts for all parts and audition forms.

Come be a part of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever!

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The Majestic Theatre is a branch of the City of Corvallis Parks and Recreation Department, dedicated to bringing a wide range of artistic productions and arts education programs to the citizens of Corvallis.

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