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Majestic Marketing

From the Theatre Supervisor – March 2018

Majestic Patrons & Volunteers,

February was a busy month at the Majestic Theatre! We had our run of Steel Magnolias, produced by the amazing Leigh Matthews Bock and her brilliant cast and crew. The show was an intimate, hilarious, tearful testament to the talent and passion of these wonderful volunteers.

We also had a big event occur regarding the future of the Majestic on February 5th, 2018. In his report, City Manager Mark Shepard approved the Basic Funding level laid out in a staff report that Parks and Recreation Director Karen Emery and I had created in January. Our staff report was the culmination of our three year trial period and contained three potential funding options to allow operation of the Majestic Theatre by the Parks and Recreation department in a sustainable, policy-driven manner. The three levels of operation were Basic, Improved, and High. CMO Shepard approved the adoption of the Basic level of support for the Majestic Theatre ($124,000) in the 18-19 budget utilizing one-time General Fund dollars to provide a the basic level of service that staff had recommended. To read the staff report in its entirety, click here.  

What does all of that mean? It means that all of the hard work, passion, and donation support that you have provided for the past three years has paid off. We have a sustainable plan for the Majestic, with funding, that has been approved for next year. But, that only gets us to June 2019. After that, the funding source for the Basic level is not guaranteed.

Which is why staff has asked that our City Council consider including the $124,000 subsidy in the renewal of the Operating Levy for FY 19-20 and beyond. And the public hearing for the levey renewal is this coming Monday, March 5th, 2018 at the Downtown Fire Station at 6:00pm. At this meeting, folks can get up and tell the Council why they think it’s important to put this operational funding for the Majestic on the levy renewal. Our Majestic Ambassadors will have folks there doing just that, but we need your help to add weight to their testimony by attending the meeting and standing when they give their testimony. That’s it. Come to a meeting on Monday night and stand when folks talk about the Majestic and how much it means to them. With this gesture, you could help ensure the future of the Majestic Theatre. And I would humbly ask that, if possible, you do just that this coming Monday, March 5th, 2018 at 6:00pm at the Downtown Fire Station at 400 NW Harrison on the 2nd floor.

Thank you so much for your support of the Majestic!

Jimbo Ivy

Theatre Supervisor – City of Corvallis Parks and Recreation

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