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Propose a Show for our Spring 2016 Theatre Season!

Majestic Marketing

We are now accepting applications from directors and creative teams for theatrical performances in our Spring 2016 Season. The process has changed from previous years and now works as follows:

1) Creative teams or directors fill out a proposal form for one of the slots listed below and send it to or drop it by the Majestic Theatre office. This proposal form covers everything from budget to content to logistics and how that production would fit into our community. Take this process seriously; incomplete or unconvincing proposals do not do well during step 2.

2) Beginning on September 8th 2015, a public forum (or series of public forums depending on the number of proposals) will be held at which creative teams whose proposals have been deemed complete will be given 15 minutes during which they may present their proposals; via a statement from the director, a reading, Powerpoint, or however they choose to spend their 15 minutes. After this, the team will be asked to leave the room while Theatre Supervisor Ivy leads the forum in a discussion regarding the viability of the proposal. Based upon the feedback he receives on behalf or against the proposal, Ivy will decide if the proposal should be accepted, rejected, or held as an alternate.

3) The next step in the process occurs once a production is accepted. The creative team or director has two weeks from that date to gather a complete creative team, produce a complete budget, and formulate a prospective audition, rehearsal, and production schedule. If they accomplish this, their proposal is officially announced as a production for the Majestic Theatre. If they do not accomplish this, step 3 begins again with any alternate proposals that were selected during step 2.

The Spring 2016 season has been divided into an ambitious number of season slots that the community will then propose shows to fill. If these slots are not filled, other events will take their place, but the goal of Theatre Supervisor Ivy is to grow both the number and variety of productions at the Majestic.

Spring 2016 Production Slots:

Spring 2016 Valentine’s Day Event – Musical or Dance Review or Variety Show Themed to Valentine’s Day. – Targeted at Adult patrons – One to four week rehearsal process – 1-2 Performances running February 12th-14th

Spring 2016 Classic or Straight Show Slot – 10+ Cast – Should be classical material; Greek, Roman, Elizabethan, Restoration, or Early American. Alternately, normal straight shows will be considered. – 8-10 Week Rehearsal Process – 6-8 Performances running February 18th thru February 28th.

Spring 2016 Large Musical – 25-40 Cast – Music provided by large orchestra – Targeted to All Ages – Name Recognition / Popular Musical Required – 8-10 Week Rehearsal Process – 12-14 Performances running May 5th thru May 22nd.

If you have any questions or would like guidance during this process, don’t hesitate to email


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The Majestic Theatre is a branch of the City of Corvallis Parks and Recreation Department, dedicated to bringing a wide range of artistic productions and arts education programs to the citizens of Corvallis.

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115 SW 2nd St, Corvallis OR 97333

Business Office: 541-758-7827 
Box Office and Ticket Sales: 541-738-7469

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12 PM to 5 PM, Wednesday – Friday

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